Made in Dallas, currently in Austin. Welcome.

A senior at St Edward’s University. Working on a Bachelor’s degree in English literature with a focus on Creative Writing. Enjoy.

Some of my creations

Creative Writing

Here I stand

In between a rock,

that casted onto it lays secrets of unlimited life and a hard place,

that promises

gross wealth

And nutrients that make you ignore your health

Desde aqui

Puedo mirar los conejos que se esconden

Durante el invierno

Los lobos que toman el camino solo

Durante la noche

Los pájaros siempre en busca,

Tratando de encontrar un lugar donde sopar

Solo encontrando nopales y árboles de metal

— "Soy Aqui" A poem exploring Mexican-American identity

“On my way home I took the scenic route. I enjoyed the edge of winter down St Charles Street, a street my wife and I took daily when completing University. Full of life and transition, I pondered on the faces that faded by slowly as traffic stopped and went at the will of weathered traffic lights. Leaves fell from the twisted oaks and I saw a middle-aged woman jogging, fitted with an armband for her phone and a headband to catch the actualization of her hard work. I caught her ghastly figure minimized in my rearview mirror as she shifted from a jog to a sprint. What's she running from?”

— Excerpt from "Beatnik" A short-story exploring themes of American Society

“I sit on the stairs in our backyard, as the dogs prance around in the tall grass.

 “Do you think we should leave?” Diana asks as she opens the door to join me. 

I reply, “ I don’t think we can leave everytime there’s a hurricane warning, right?”.

 We just moved to New Orleans from Dallas, and had no clue what a hurricane entails- let alone its season. As our hair embraces the calm winds, a monotone voice leaks from the cracked door– our TV,

 “Experts say this might be the worst hurricane Louisiana has seen since Katrina ''. 

We take a sharp twist and our faces meet; our ghast-like expression now found reason to be. We bolt inside passing the whole house like a buckshot passing through a barrel, landing in front of the TV as it flashes a birds-eye view of a long narrow bridge, full of frantic drivers across what seems like an ocean,”

— Excerpt from “A Wild Prance” A short-story from the POV of a young couple experiencing a hurricane

Analytical Writing

  • “My analysis of Sidney's argument will be drawn through the lens of salvation. Something Sidney had during writing that Plato didn’t. Salvation was something delivered through delightful verse to Sidney’s 16th century England, whereas Plato’s Greece was grappling with this idea, using allegory, sciences and poetry to try to define and find what would preserve their immortal souls.”

  • “In the play, Dr. Faustus, Marlowe teeters the line on many subjects that early 1600s England would have seen as contentious, in a revolutionary way, with complex characters and new storylines. These topics include the likes of religion, social class, and power– All of which work as a critique of the Renaissance man. The specific piece of prose I’m analyzing is at the beginning of Scene 5, where Dr. Fautus states, 

    Now Faustus, must thou needs be damned,

     And canst thou not be saved. 

    What boots it then to think of God or heaven?

      Away with such fancies and despair, 

    Despair in God, and trust in Beelzebub. 

    Now go not backward: no, Faustus, be resolute; 

    Why waverest thou? O something soundeth in mine ears; 

    ‘Abjure this magic, turn to God again’. 

    Ay, and Faustus will turn to God again. To God? He loves the not.”

  • “T.S Elliot and Oscar Wilde were 2 writers on opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of their personalities, but their works and subject matter focused on similar themes and critiqued aspects of their own society that are tangential to each other. The works, “The Love Song of Alfred J Prufrock” by Elliot and The Importance of Being Earnest by Wilde both act as a critique on the author’s rapidly transitioning societies’. Wilde could be seen as taking a more comedic approach through his heavy satire and whimsical dialogue, and Elliot, a more neurotic approach, through his dialogue and use of form. Both writers share this rolling theme in acting as lens for their societies in other works, yet in these 2 works, we see the focus on critiquing a men’s role/place, and ideas of domestic relationships in budding societies. These critiques are taken one step further through the forms of the works; “The Importance of Being Earnest” as a play, and “The Love Song of Alfred J Prufrock” as a dramatic monologue”

Cover Art

Visual Art

Video Marketing for Brand

Captured on B&W  35mm

More About Me

For the past 6 years, I have been immersed in the restaurant industry, where I have developed invaluable skills in communication, teamwork, and adaptability. While I am grateful for the experiences and lessons learned during this time, I am eager to pursue a career aligned with my academic background and personal interests. Taking strides with publications in University Journals, working in assistant positions within the English Program, and even co-creating ACE Acentos.